Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the
round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're
not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify
them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change
things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the
crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that
they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Steve Jobs
US computer engineer & industrialist (1955 - 2011)

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Oak Island Deception: Part I - The Roman/Catholics

 The truth about Oak Island, and more specifically the treasures inside its stony walls, are as important as the Pyramids in Egypt. They not only contain the secrets of the Jews, but also the Christians. They involve not just Romans, the Roman Catholic Church, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, the Knights of Christ, the Masons, but also India. This series on Oak Island will expose the actual location of these treasures, the only tunnel that grants access without booby traps and water traps, what the actual treasures are, and very importantly the "why" of Oak Island. The "why" of Oak Island is a true, mind shattering story of societal manipulation from the time of Jesus to our modern day. It is a story that will shake your very foundations, as it did mine.

Take yourself back to 71 AD, the Holy Land. Unrest and violence plagued the areas of modern day Syria and Israel. These places were essentially provinces of the Roman Empire where local religions were allowed, and the people were heavily persuaded by them. Religious figures in Jerusalem were supported by the Romans as long as they kept the population submissive to the Empire. Rome occupied Egypt, and the grain from there fed much of the Empire. As was the case in Israel and Syria, the Egyptians freely practiced their religion which centered around Ra, Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Rome, unhappy with the rebellion of the Jews, decided to put down Jewish resistance to its occupation by force. Vespasian, soon to be Roman Emperor and patriarch of the "Flavian" dynasty, subdued Syria and then moved on Israel. Having conquered most of Israel, Vespasian left the conquering of Jerusalem to his son Titus.

Under Titus's command the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem, including the Temple of Solomon. The Temple was taken apart so not one stone of it remained. The treasure of the Temple was captured by the Titus, and taken back to Rome. Vespasian, now Emperor, returned from Egypt to Rome, and held a great parade in honour of the crushing of the Jews by his son Titus. Shortly afterwards, 71 AD, Vespasian built the Temple of Peace in Rome with plunder from Israel, and housed some of the relics of the Temple for display. Conspicuously absent from the victory arch, built in honour of Titus's conquest of Israel, was the Ark of the Covenant. The Temple of Peace burned down in 192 AD, was rebuilt, but then closed permanently in the 4th century AD by the Emperor who forbid all non-Christian worship.   

                                            Titus's Victory Arch, Rome.

                                            Model of the Temple of Peace

First official accounts of the Romans entering the Temple, do not mention the Ark of the Covenant. Pompey the Great (General) was the first Roman to enter it in 63 BC, and the annals say he did not see the Ark, nor did he take any of the gold that was there out of respect. The next Roman was Crassus, the richest man in Rome, who entered the Temple in 54 BC. The priests tried to barter with him, and offered to give him the golden rod that held the curtain normally placed in front of the Ark if he would leave everything else. He took the golden rod and the Temple gold, which was estimated at 8,000 talents (he was later killed in Rome by filling his mouth with molten gold). It is noteworthy that Titus's victory arch displayed the Romans' capture of the Temple relics some 120 years later, which would tend to disprove original accounts of an empty Temple.

Josephus, a Jewish man of priestly and royal descent, fought against the Romans, but after being captured switched sides. He became a close friend of  Titus, and considered Vespasian to be the "Messiah". He acted as Titus's translator during his conquest of Jerusalem, became a Roman citizen, changed his name to add "Flavian" to his own, and wrote much of the history from this era regarding Israel. In other words, he became a Roman "fixer". Josephus wrote the history of both Pompey and Crassus's Temple visits. Most critically, in his "Book of Wars", Josephus writes:

            " But for those that were taken in the Temple of Jerusalem, they made the greatest figure of the                all: that is, the golden table, of the weight of many talents; the candlestick also; that was made                of gold... and the last of all the spoils, was carried the Law of the Jews" (Wars, Book 7:147-                  151)"

            "Vespasian made up his mind to build a Temple of Peace ... There too he laid up the golden                      vessels from the Temple of the Jews for he prided himself on them; but their Law and the                     crimson curtains of the inner sanctuary he ordered to be deposited in the Palace for safe                         keeping." (Book VII, Chp. V, 5-6)"

It is clear by Josephus's account that the Temple treasure was split in two - one for public consumption and the other for secrecy. The Law, the Commandments that were inside the Ark, and the crimson curtains which were to be placed in front of the Ark were sent to Lateran Castle in Rome, which was owned by the Laterani family (ancient Roman nobility). In this way, Vespasian was able to disappear the Ark of the Covenant, thus seriously undermining Jewish religious identity. It was his belief that the Jewish faith was the cause of Jewish rebellions, and without it they would have nothing to rally around. He did, however, respect the powers of the Ark, which were well known by that time. After the burning down of the Temple of Peace in 199 BC, the remainder of the Temple of Solomon treasures were also transferred to the Lateran Palace. There they stayed until the new Roman dynasty of Constantine the Great appeared in 306 BC. 

The Constantine Dynasty was the first "Christian dynasty" of the Roman Empire. Christians before that time were persecuted as were Jews. Constantine I's  own mother went to the Holy Land to seek relics. She has been rumored to have found the cross that Christ was crucified on (the True Cross), along with the place where he was killed. Constantine himself did not convert to Christianity until he was at the end of his life. Nevertheless, he proclaimed the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which gave Christianity legal status throughout the Empire. In the same year, the Laterani family transferred ownership of the Lateran Palace to Constantine. He changed the name of the Lateran Castle from "The House of God" to "Christ the Savior" in 324 AD, and placed the Papal Cathedral along side the Palace, which then became the Cathedral of the Pope as Bishop of Rome. 

Although Constantine was firmly in control of the newly minted Catholic Church, there raged though out the Empire a power struggle predominantly between two groups of Christians for the future of the Church: "Arianism", or the belief that Jesus and Mary were not "co-rulers" of heaven nor were they equals of God; and those that believed in the Trinity of the Father (God), the son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost. As we can see today, Arianism lost that battle. The winners were essentially the followers of Paul, who had converted on the way to Damascus. Paul was a Roman citizen whose profession it was to slaughter Christians. Once he was converted Paul spread the church into Greece and other areas, but most importantly he preached elevating Jesus as equal to God. Many religious and Roman researchers have concluded that Paul was in fact spreading Roman propaganda which sought to destroy the Jewish religion by replacing it with the Catholic religion for the Empire. 

The battle between the Paulists and the Arians was pivotal in world history. The Paulists portrayed Jesus as the "new Covenant",  replacing God's covenant with the Jews. They preached that the Ark of the Covenant was to be replaced by the Virgin Mary herself, because she bore the "new covenant", just as the Ark bore inside it the Moses Covenant. It was a war to replace everything Jewish with everything Roman, and establish one religion for the entire Empire: the Roman Catholic Church. The most Paulist statement of that transformation, and also the first real evidence of the Ark and Oak Island, is revealed in the Pauline Cathedral, built in Rome 1100 years later in 1537. We'll come back to the Cathedral a little later.

After Constantine I's death in 337 AD, his sons took over the Empire - which was divided in three between Constans, Constantine II, and Constantius II. After internal struggles between the brothers Constantius II was killed, and the Empire was reorganized into two regions: Eastern and Western Empires. Constans held his place of power in Rome, and Constantine II held his power from Constantinople. 

During the reign of the brothers Jews were persecuted, and the Catholic Church became fractured in two once more - this time between the Church in Rome and what we know as Eastern Orthodox Church today. To compound this, the Church was experiencing turbulence from ambitious Bishops in the different parts of the Empire. To curtail the internal power struggles within the Roman Catholic Church, the brothers held a meeting of all the Bishops of the Empire in 343 AD. (Council of Serdica). The Bishops of the East boycotted the Council, which resulted in the division of the Church and the creation of the Eastern Orthodox Churches as we know them today. The primary purpose of the Council was to make laws for the Church (Cannons), which more or less controlled the movements of bishops, confining them to their respective areas, and thus ending constant influence peddling by the Bishops. 

Immediately after the Council of Serdica, and the confining of the Bishops, Emperor Constans went back to Rome, and then, with a hundred men, left for Gaul and then sailed during the winter to Britain. It is here where the Oak Island story starts. The theory is that Constans took to Britain the Ark of the Covenant, and all the Temple treasures. That is not where it ends though. It is also theorized that he took the body of Christ with him. In this theory the Romans took the body of Christ from his grave to give the Christians legitimacy and thus undermine Judaism. The evidence for troops of Constans comes from the Roman coins scattered on lot five of Oak Island. The "hut coin" and the "gate coin" date to the reigns of Constans and his brother Constantine II. 

                                    NOTE the dot and line distinctive to Constantine II. 348-350


                                            Constans Hut Coin 348-350

While it appears the Lagina brothers maybe confused by the scattering of  Roman coins they found on Lot 5, it is well known that Roman sailors would leave coins behind (usually near a temple) as an offering to their gods for a safe trip home. This also offers a hint of what's to come, but first the Pauline Church.

The Pauline Church deliberately shows the conversion of the Ark of the Covenant to Mary the "Ark". Its altar is made to replicate the Ark of the Covenant, above it being the seven candles of God, with the central candle being replaced by a crucifixion of Christ, and carrying on from there to 2 cupids over the "mercy seat". The interesting part for this series is what's on the dome and the ramparts surrounding it.

The "Ark" alter and six candles with the crucifix

Full view of the alter - note King David on the left and Arron on the right. King David's finger points to a small child, which is Solomon. On top of the altar, above the mercy eat, is a fresco with a strange pillar like object - which appears like a tunnel (It is off centered)

The Dome appears like a cavity, lined with painted cut stone, clouds that appear more like bedrock, and Mary standing in the middle of a cave-like entrance. In other words, a buried "Ark" (Paulines consider Mary the new ark)

Here it easier to see. This depiction of Mary is a mix of "The Woman of the Apocalypse", woman of Genesis stepping on the serpent, and the pure spouse of the "Canticle of Canticles" (Solomon Palm-erotic"). The hole around Mary is a hole cut through stone as evidenced by the rough edges and appearance.

Surprisingly, the biggest secret the Chapel holds is not on the Dome, but rather one of the ramparts connected to it. It is an image that if you seek to research it, you will find there is no mention of who it is, but history tells us. There are three separate images of the fresco: one of the Emperor, young with long light hair being killed in a temple amongst rebelling troops with a military General directing his killing; the other the same man staring at the black raven (a symbol of forbidden love in Roman times); and finally the same man dying with his deceased grandmother over looking him. This is the story of Constans death. In January, 350 AD, shortly after the Temple treasure and Jesus's body was buried on Oak Island, Constans was killed by General Magnetius. The prophecies said that he would die in the arms of his grandmother and in a temple, which he was. He was killed in a temple located in Helena - the name of his grandmother. The black ravine, or forbidden love, had to do with his homosexuality. He was known for keeping male captives and forming a harem of them, which enraged his troops and lead to his assassination. A dark and not exactly holy life. Yet he, among all the Constantine dynasty was give the place of honour in the Pauline chapel. Given the Pauline Chapel was dedicated to transition from actual Ark to Mary the Ark, given his coins were scattered on Oak Island likely near a temple, and given his holy place in the Pauline Chapel, it is logical to conclude he was the one responsible for the burying of the Ark and Christ. Thus he is immortalized here.

Assassination of Emperor Constans, 350 AD.

            The full three scenes from the Constans arch. 

The best evidence thus far that the Romans were the first depositors on Oak Island are the coins found on lot 5, but they aren't the only ones. Excavations on lot 5 also have exposed the "Hatch" on Zena's map, and a settlement, or temple site near the water on lot 5. Indeed, Lot 5 shows signs of being the Roman landing site/camp/temple. Zena's map also refers to the Hatch and the "trove" underneath, meaning where the treasure trove was found. 

            This is the Lot 5 feature, which resembles the rectangular shape from Zena's Map (see below)                 indicating "the Hatch" where the initial Roman deposit was found by the Templars. It appears                 the hatch was then filled in by the Templars with stones.

It is here that the Romans deposited the Temple treasure, and it is here where the Templar's took it to its new home. Using the surveying that you will see in following parts of this series, it is evident that the Roman site was used as a primary marker for the Templars to come. It is also instructive that north south lines of the current survey of Oak Island match the long line on Zena's map from the valve back toward the circular feature on Lot 5. The current eastern boundary of Lot 5 rests exactly on the spot where the straight line is. The original official surveyor of Oak Island, a Mason, divided the north-south lines of the island on the exact lineage of the eastly boundary of Lot 5.

The original surveyor new where the treasure was located on Oak Island, and he surveyed it that way. The dividing of the island's north and south lots also use Templar survey markers, which will be discussed in the next part of the series, further proving this Mason knew the Templars surveying of the Island.


                English translation of Zena's Map

The Lidar map of Oak Island shows a "boat beaching site" on the Lot 5 frontage. Roman ships at the time were designed for beaching only. They did not anchor off shore. The Lidar shows a beaching site that appears carved out of the shore, and is the only such feature known on the island.

Another telling piece of evidence of Roman occupation are the Oaks themselves. The Oaks that used to occupy all of Oak Island were English Oaks. Oak trees were considered holy in the Roman Empire, so much so that head dress worn by Emperors and those that had done heroic deeds was mode of golden oak leaves. Even Templar Knights were buried, and an oak tree planted on top of them. This practice was discovered in Suffolk, England. It was rumored for years that the ten oak trees in the cemetery were grave markers for ten dead Templars. It remained a rumor until a storm uprooted one of the trees, and an ancient skeleton was found in its roots. 

            Suffolk, England cemetery

Oak leaves continue to denote military ranks and honors in western militaries:

Nazi Germany Knight's Cross with oak leaves:


American army Major rank, and clusters of oak leaves for actions of bravery:

Oaks were often planted by the Romans at holy sites. It's worth noting that the "Zena Map", which I will address in the next part, notes Oak trees existing on Oak Island as early as 1347, meaning they would have to been planted before that time. Furthermore, much of the known depositor wood works involved felled oak trees. 


1.    Emperor Vespasian and his son future emperor Titus recovered the body of Christ, the Ark of the         Covenant, the Book of Laws, and the remaining Temple instruments during the Israel campaign of          67-68 AD. Vespasian used his special relationship with Josephus, who came from a priestly family,         to move the Ark safely to Rome. Vespasian placed the Temple instruments in the Temple of Peace he      built, but kept Christ's body and the Ark's location secret - in the Laterna Palace (which served as the      seat of the Bishop of Rome, and which Constantine I later turned into the forerunner of the Vatican         with the Pope seat being there). After the Temple of Peace burned to the ground the relics of                 Solomon's Temple were transferred to Laterna Palace. This much later Masonic drawing shows the         burning of the Temple of Peace, the ark sailing away (although they use Noah's Ark as symbolism         for this), and then the digging of a shaft, and the Ark, The Law, the incense burning cup, the water         vessel, and the Menorah. It also shows those holding the Secret, one being the Pope. Overlooking all      of them is the Eye of Horus, or "all seeing eye" as some call it. The message is very clear.

            Follow this diagram from the right side bottom, and then to the top to understand the events                    chronologically. The two Pillars of Solomon's Temple on each side imply this new spot is the
            new "Holy of Holies" where the Ark is resting. As you can see there is a tunnel shape from the                all seeing eye to the ark. The shape of this tunnel is important and we will discuss that later.

2.)    Emperor Constans, and the Bishop of Rome, conspired to deposit the remains of Christ, the True            Cross (the "T" portion of it), The Book of the Law (Jewish), the Ark of the Covenant and Temple            instruments on Oak Island, once other Bishops had been prevented from entering the territory of            Rome by the Council of Serdica to witness the articles had been removed. The Romans became            aware of North America interacting with Vikings in Britain which they occupied and controlled.            There is proof that exists to day of the Vikings discovery of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. \


                    A copy of the Ramsund Carving originating with the Norse found in Southern Nova Scotia


           A Viking rune stone found near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.     

        On Oak Island the Romans built a temple near where the circular feature is being excavated                    today. They also seeded Oak Island with English Oaks to honour the burial and temple, which was         customary. The site was considered holy to them. Emperor Constans' father had declared                        Christianity legal, and Constans and his brother Constantine II championed the "Trinity" of the            Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They hid Christ's body and the True Cross so the physical                resurrection could not be disproved, and thus ruin the basis for the new Roman Catholic Church.            They hid the Ark and the Temple instruments so that their basis for Mary as the "new Ark of the            Covenant" could not be undermined, as well as keeping the Jews under control in Israel. They                killed many birds with this one stone.

3.)    The Romans created the Catholic Church to establish a religion that would be acceptable to, and             unite the rest of the Roman Empire. The Romans used primarily Greek and Egyptian                                religious beliefs to design Christianity. The "Eye of God" you see in many Catholic places of                worship is in fact "The Eye of Horus". Mary is Isis. Jesus is Horus. Ra is God. And so on. The                "Eye of God" in a triangle, the Egyptian Book of Death, the Egyptian belief that the heart was                 weighed against the feather of the goddess of Maat before it could go into the afterlife, are                    all blatantly shown here in the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, the Church at Piazza del Popolo: :

4.    Perhaps the greatest evidence that the Romans created Christianity based on Egyptian worship, one        that still exists infamously today, is the Statute of the Resurrection in the Pope VI Audience Hall at        the Vatican in Rome. Designed and built by Pericle Fazzini, the official intention was to capture the        anguish of the 20th century mankind under nuclear threat. However a close examination proves           that utterly false and sends us back to ancient Egyptian worship. Specifically, the worship of the           "original serpent" of ancient Egyptian mythology, known as Nehebkau. 


                                                                Amulet of  "Nehebkau"

     Nehebkau first appears in the Pyramid Texts, and he is described as an evil, long and winding serpent             who devoured human souls in the afterlife. It was later honoured among other dangerous gods as one of         the 42 judges in the Court of Maat, judging the innocence of deceased souls. As a snake god, it was also         considered a dangerous, furious and fearsome demon. Now turning to "The Resurrection" statue, it is             very evident that the soul of Jesus is being devoured by Nehebkau:

        You can see that Jesus is being consumed, and that is never more clear than his head being absorbed by the                     serpent head. In other words, the original serpent, Nehebkau, is devouring the soul of Christ for all the world to             see. Under this statue the Pope sits in a chair to address his audience. 

                                                    The Audience Hall in the Vatican

        To emphasize the point, the hall is clearly made in the form of a serpent's head. Between the two "fangs" is                     located the statue of the Resurrection. The audience is literally in the serpents head watching Jesus's soul being             consumed by the serpent. The symbolism here is chilling to the faith of any Roman Catholic or even Christian.             The message, however, is clear: the Roman Catholic Church worships Egyptian deities, and Christ is merely a             cover story. That makes the giant, winding serpent built into the Oak Island swamp an even more powerful                 symbol - showing as it does Nehebkau lying over the place where the body of Christ, the Ark and Temple                     treasures, and being consumed beneath it:

      What's interesting with this serpent construct over the "pyramid" of the swamp on Oak Island is             that it is only completely visible when the swamp is empty. Many people refer to the serpent's head         as the "Eye of the Swamp", including members of the Fellowship, but in realty it is the head of the         serpent. Also, it's pretty clear this serpent has been constructed to appear the way it does, which             denotes constructs beneath it to make it appear as it does. Certainly it is not a coincidence. The             serpent also appears as "eating" its tail, which is a symbology we will see in a latter part of this             series - the Illuminate. 

5.  Zena's map shows a "vault beneath the earth", which is a vault beneath the bedrock. This vault may     be related to the Romans as well. Zena's map shows a spot called "the valve". Romans invented the         practice of fracturing bedrock by super heating the rock with fire, and then subjecting it to water,         which would crack the bedrock. They would then take out the debris and repeat. They developed a         technique of using valves and hydraulic pumps to escalate that process. A valve would release water      into lead piping and the hydraulic pump would do its work. Here's a picture of some Roman valves:

        And an ancient Roman hydraulic pump with nozzle:


The insinuation is clear that the valve released ocean water under high pressure to the hydraulic pump, which nozzle blasted the rock. It remains unclear why the Romans would go through the massive effort to tunnel through bedrock from their lot 5 location to the underground vault location, but it remains a possibility that can't yet be ruled out. It may also explain why the original Templars sank their first shaft in the south east corner of the swamp when they had already constructed an underground vault in a hill on the other side of the swamp. The Templars eventually massively expanded this initial vault, so their is evidence and logic supporting the Roman participation originally. 


While there may seem to be a back and fourth between religion and the Oak Island treasure in this first part of the series, please don't loose focus on either. The religious part of the story is the most important part of the Oak Island secret, and continues to affect our world society to this day. It is important to understand this foundation. From it flows the story of what happened at Oak Island after the Romans. They are intertwined. The basics remain that the original treasure of Oak Island was solely religious in nature, and intended as a power move which paved the way for the Roman Catholic Church for over a thousand years. The other disturbing truth is that senior members of the Roman Catholic Church knew this, and were perpetuating a lie to people, brainwashing people into worshipping Egyptian religion, which was/is the opposite of the God of Israel, The Lord.